A graduate of higher education is considered to be a person who has obtained a diploma confirming the completion of first-cycle, second cycle, long-cycle studies, or a doctoral school (doctoral studies) obtaining respectively the professional title of bachelor, engineer, master, master of engineer or doctor, or titles equivalent to them.
Such a person, if they are citizens of a third country (i.e., does not have the citizenship of one of the EU countries, Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein, or Switzerland) or a stateless person, may apply for a temporary residence permit due to other circumstances dedicated to graduates of Polish universities. This permit is granted for the purpose of looking for a job or intending to start a business.
A temporary residence permits due to other circumstance sis granted in such a case, for a period of 9 months, provided that an application for a permit is submitted immediately after obtaining a diploma, during a legal stay in Poland in connection with studies. The purpose of the permit is to enable foreigners who have obtained education in Poland to continue their stay – they gain the necessary time after graduation to get acquainted with the Polish labour market or complete the formalities related to starting a business.
Permission is granted in the form of an administrative decision by the voivode, competent for the place of residence of the foreigner, and in the case of appeal proceedings – by the Head of the Office for Foreigners, once. A foreigner interested in continuing their stay in Poland before its expiry should apply for a temporary residence permit due to another main purpose of stay or an indefinite permit (i.e., a permanent residence permit or a long-term EU resident permit).
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