A residence card shall be cancelled if:
this is required for reasons of defence or security of the State or of the protection of security and public order, or
in the procedure for issuing a residence card, the applicant:
- has submitted an application containing false personal data or false information or attached to it documents containing such data or information, or
- has testified untruth or concealed the truth, or forged or altered a document for use as authentic or used such a document as authentic, or
the marriage with a citizen of the United Kingdom who is a beneficiary of the Withdrawal Agreement, or a citizen of the Republic of Poland was concluded to circumvent the provisions defining the terms and conditions of entry of foreigners into the territory of the Republic of Poland, their passage through this territory, stay on it and departure from it, or
the family member does not meet the conditions of residence specified in Articles 18-19a of the Act of 14 July 2006 on entry into, stay and exit from the territory of the Republic of Poland of citizens of the Member States of the European Union and their family members, or
the family member obtained a residence card to circumvent the legal provisions in force in another Member State of the European Union, a Member State of the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) – a party to the Agreement on the European Economic Area or the Swiss Confederation regulating the rules of entry into, stay and exit from the territory of the European Union.
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