In order for a foreigner to be able to obtain a temporary residence permit for the purpose of studying at university, if they are taking or intends to take a preparatory course to study at studies in Polish, it is necessary for them to meet the following requirements in a combined manner:
is a foreigner with citizenship of the Republic of Belarus, and at the time of submitting the application is legally resident on the territory of the Republic of Poland on the basis of a short-term residence title (excluding stay for humanitarian purposes, on the basis of a BlueCard);
with both the declared and the actual purpose of their stay on the territory of the Republic of Poland must be to take a preparatory course to study at full-time higher education or at a doctoral school/doctoral studies;
the course must be the basis for applying for a temporary residence permit and at the same time must justify their stay on the territory of the Republic of Poland for a period longer than 3months;
the course prepares you to undertake education in a unit conducting studies approved by the minister competent for internal affairs, in accordance with Article 144(5-14) of the Act on Foreigners, or which, in accordance with Article 144(5) of the Act on Foreigners, is not subject to such approval, and in respect of which no decision on the prohibition of admission of foreigners referred to in Article 144a of the said Act has been issued;
submitted a certificate of the unit conducting studies on admission to studies or on the continuation of studies (- preparatory course), in accordance with the model;
has submitted proof of payment of the tuition fee, provided that they undertake or continues their studies (-preparatory course) for a fee;
a foreigner has sickness insurance or confirmation by the insurer of the costs of treatment on the territory of the Republic of Poland;
a foreigner shall have sufficient financial means (a + b + c) to cover:
a) maintenance costs, which on a monthly basis (after deducting the actual costs of living***) should be higher than the social assistance threshold (i.e., currently for a single person – in the amount higher than PLN 776 net per month, for a person in the family – in the amount higher than PLN 600 net per month),
*** in practice, this condition does not exist, as currently citizens of Belarus are the only ones who can apply for this permit, and they have been exempted from the need to determine the cost of living.
b) and the cost of the return journey to the country of origin or residence or the cost of transit to the third country which grants the entry permit. Kliknij, aby sprawdzić, jakie środki należy posiadać na ten cel.
c) and the costs of studies - if a foreigner studies (preparatory course) on a paid basis, they should have additional financial means for this purpose.
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